Toy Story 5 (2024) streaming

Toy Story 5
Année: 2024
Réalisé par:
Durée: 1h 30min
Langues: Français
Qualités: ULTRA HD 4K

Toy Story 5 follows the beloved toys Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and the rest of the gang as they come face to face with a new group of toys who challenge their place in the toy world. The new toys, led by a charismatic and devious teddy bear named Teddy, disrupt the peace and harmony of the toy universe, leading to a battle for supremacy between the old and new toys.

As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Woody and Buzz must navigate through this new toy world to protect their friends and find a way to restore order. Along the way, they encounter new allies and face unexpected challenges that push them to their limits.

In the end, Toy Story 5 is a heartwarming tale of friendship, loyalty, and the power of working together to overcome obstacles. It serves as a reminder that no matter how different we may be, there is always room for acceptance, understanding, and love.

Toy Story 5 (2024) streaming VF Complet

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